ASP.NET C# SQL Server SSRS Visual Studio

SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) – Download Multiple RDL files

I needed to migrate multiple SSRS reports (.rdl’s) between environments (production -> qa ->development) and didn’t want to download/upload each individual report. I searched but couldn’t find a solution built into SSRS report manager, so I began my Google search. I found a solution on Code Project (SSRS Downloading .RDL Files) that worked after some […]

Visual Studio

Configuration Manager not visible in Visual Studio

I needed to debug a windows service using Visual Studio, and was able to use the Attach to Process… feature in the IDE. Even though Visual Studio was attached to the executable, it still didn’t stop at any breakpoints. I thought I could fix this by using Build->Configuration Manager to change the Configuration from Release […]

ASP.NET C# VB.NET Visual Studio

Here are some useful collection types commonly used in .NET

This is a question that was asked during an interview and I didn’t know the correct answer, so I thought I would add the information I found to “My Online Notepad“. Maybe it can also help someone else. Hash Tables – A collection of key/value pairs that are organized based on the hash code of […]

C# VB.NET Visual Studio XML

XML documentation parse error (warning in Visual Studio)

I was working with a VB.NET project today and noticed the following warning: XML documentation parse error: Whitespace is not allowed at this location. XML comment will be ignored. After a quick search on the web I found the problem was using the ‘&’ character which is a reserved character for XML documentation. So my […]

ASP.NET VB.NET Visual Studio

.NET 2.0 – Event validation fails when postback occurs before a page is rendered completely Solution: Upgrade the system to the .NET Framework 2.0 SP2 or the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1. Other information related to this issue.

ASP.NET C# Visual Studio

.NET ToString Format Specifiers

Standard Numeric Format Specifiers (C) Currency: . . . . . . . . ($123.00) (D) Decimal:. . . . . . . . . -123 (E) Scientific: . . . . . . . -1.234500E+002 (F) Fixed point:. . . . . . . -123.45 (G) General:. . . . . . . . […]

SQL Server Visual Studio

Creating SSIS Package Error

Error Failed to save package file “C:\TEMP\tmp18D.tmp” with error 0x8002802B “Element not found”. Turns out that this is due to MSXML6 not being registered. Solution To register MSXML 6.0. From the Start menu, click Run. Enter the following command: regsvr32 %windir%\system32\msxml6.dll Click OK

ASP.NET VB.NET Visual Studio

Sending Appointments to an Outlook 2007 Calendar from an ASP.NET 2.0 Web Site

Good article that uses VS 2005 to create an ASP.NET 2.0 web site that can create and send an calendar appointment to add to an Outlook 2007 calendar. Examples in both VB.NET and C#

Visual Studio

Another cause to “Error while trying to run project: unable to start debugging on the server” for ASP.NET application.

I found out today that if IE security (Tools-> Internet options-> Security -> Internet or Intranet -> Custom level -> User authentication) is set to anonymous logon, you will get the above error. I didn’t find any mention for this cause so here it is.

Visual Studio

Error while trying to run project: Unable to start debugging on the web server

The solution that worked for me: Open your Internet Information Services manager and from the [your machine]/Web Sites/ Default Web Site node select the virtual folder which stores your project. Right Click and select Properties to select the ASP.NET tab page. Make sure the correct version ASP.NET Version is selected.