
How to disable anonymous authentication in IIS Express

StackOverflow: IIS Express is automatically disabling anonymous authentication for my project, why? To disable anonymous authentication in IIS Express, I found updating the following element in the project files (i.e. csproj, vbproj) allowed me to debug my application with anonymous access. Changing the IISExpressAnonymousAuthentication setting to enabled fixes the issue (it can also be done […]


String.Format to set a constant in .NET

Today I began working on the base framework for a new project. In the past we would just copy an existing project and remove what we don’t need, so I thought this would be a good time to make the framework more generic to speed up this part of the process for future projects. This […]


FreeTextBox – Set default font and size

When using the FreeTextBox HTML editor, the default font styles have to be set in the stylesheet specified in the DesignModeCss property. In my case I created a stylesheet and saved it as /App_Themes/Default/FreeTextBox.css, with the following: body { font-family:Georgia; font-size:14pt; } Then I set the DesignModeCss property: <uc:FreeTextBox ID=”ucFreeTextBox” DesignModeCss = “~/App_Themes/Default/FreeTextBox.css” Runat=”server” /> […]

ASP.NET C# SQL Server SSRS Visual Studio

SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) – Download Multiple RDL files

I needed to migrate multiple SSRS reports (.rdl’s) between environments (production -> qa ->development) and didn’t want to download/upload each individual report. I searched but couldn’t find a solution built into SSRS report manager, so I began my Google search. I found a solution on Code Project (SSRS Downloading .RDL Files) that worked after some […]

ASP.NET C# VB.NET Visual Studio

Here are some useful collection types commonly used in .NET

This is a question that was asked during an interview and I didn’t know the correct answer, so I thought I would add the information I found to “My Online Notepad“. Maybe it can also help someone else. Hash Tables – A collection of key/value pairs that are organized based on the hash code of […]


.NET Hyperlink ImageURL

Here’s an interesting article about a bug in this property: Working Around ASP.NET’s HyperLink ImageUrl Bug I ran across this bug today but my workaround was surrounding an Image control with anchor tags. I changed this: To:


Drop Down List Client & Server Side event

Helpful post I found for handling client & server side functions for drop down list during an onchange event Drop-down-list Client-side onchange stops Server-side SelectedIndexChanged event?

ASP.NET FreeTextBox

FreeTextBox – FontFacesMenuList , FontFacesMenuNames, FontSizesMenuList, FontSizesMenuNames

I was able to change the font-family and font size drop down lists, see example below using VB.NET. <FTB:FreeTextBox runat=”server” ID=”ftb” /> Dim fontFaces() As String = {“Time New Roman”, “Georgia”, “Arial”, “Tahoma”, “Wingdings”} Dim fontFaceNames() As String = {“Time”, “Georgia”, “Arial”, “Tahoma”, “Wingdings”} ftb.FontFacesMenuList = fontFaces ftb.FontFacesMenuNames = fontFaceNames Note: The list of font […]

ASP.NET VB.NET Visual Studio

.NET 2.0 – Event validation fails when postback occurs before a page is rendered completely Solution: Upgrade the system to the .NET Framework 2.0 SP2 or the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1. Other information related to this issue.


“HTTP Error 404 – File or Directory not found” error message when you request dynamic content with IIS 6.0

I ran across this problem with an ASP page and found a solution on the Microsoft Support site. Symptoms: Active Server Pages (ASP) page, ASP.NET page, Internet Services API (ISAPI) application, or Common Gateway Interface (CGI) application on a Windows Server 2003 server running Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0, give the following error messages: HTTP […]