When using the FreeTextBox HTML editor, the default font styles have to be set in the stylesheet specified in the DesignModeCss property. In my case I created a stylesheet and saved it as /App_Themes/Default/FreeTextBox.css, with the following: body { font-family:Georgia; font-size:14pt; } Then I set the DesignModeCss property: <uc:FreeTextBox ID=”ucFreeTextBox” DesignModeCss = “~/App_Themes/Default/FreeTextBox.css” Runat=”server” /> […]
Tag: wysiwyg
I was able to change the font-family and font size drop down lists, see example below using VB.NET. <FTB:FreeTextBox runat=”server” ID=”ftb” /> Dim fontFaces() As String = {“Time New Roman”, “Georgia”, “Arial”, “Tahoma”, “Wingdings”} Dim fontFaceNames() As String = {“Time”, “Georgia”, “Arial”, “Tahoma”, “Wingdings”} ftb.FontFacesMenuList = fontFaces ftb.FontFacesMenuNames = fontFaceNames Note: The list of font […]