I needed to debug a windows service using Visual Studio, and was able to use the Attach to Process… feature in the IDE. Even though Visual Studio was attached to the executable, it still didn’t stop at any breakpoints. I thought I could fix this by using Build->Configuration Manager to change the Configuration from Release […]
JavaScript is a prototype-based scripting language that is dynamic, weakly typed and was formalized in the ECMAScript language standard. JScript is the Microsoft implementation of the ECMA 262 language specification (Source). ECMAScript is the scripting language standardized by Ecma International and is widely used for client-side scripting on the web. Here’s a good explanation.
This is a question that was asked during an interview and I didn’t know the correct answer, so I thought I would add the information I found to “My Online Notepad“. Maybe it can also help someone else. Hash Tables – A collection of key/value pairs that are organized based on the hash code of […]
.NET Hyperlink ImageURL
Here’s an interesting article about a bug in this property: Working Around ASP.NET’s HyperLink ImageUrl Bug I ran across this bug today but my workaround was surrounding an Image control with anchor tags. I changed this: To:
I was working with a VB.NET project today and noticed the following warning: XML documentation parse error: Whitespace is not allowed at this location. XML comment will be ignored. After a quick search on the web I found the problem was using the ‘&’ character which is a reserved character for XML documentation. So my […]
In SQL Server 2008, the TOP 100 PERCENT and ORDER BY is ignored. In SQL Server 2005, the output order isn’t guaranteed. For example if you created a view like so: CREATE VIEW vwProduct AS SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT lProductID, vsProduct FROM dbo.tblProduct AS tl ORDER BY lProductID DESC GO And tried to select from […]
Boolean object in JavaScript
The Boolean object represents two values either “true” or “false”. new Boolean(value); If value parameter is omitted, 0, -0, null, false, NaN, undefined, or the empty string (“”), the object has an initial value of false due to automatic type coercion. Here’s a simple test for the JavaScript boolean object, here’s the HTML anchor tag […]
Helpful post I found for handling client & server side functions for drop down list during an onchange event Drop-down-list Client-side onchange stops Server-side SelectedIndexChanged event?
Here’s a way to check to see if a function exist before calling it. if (typeof(functionName) != “undefined”) { functionName(); // safe to use the function }
I was able to change the font-family and font size drop down lists, see example below using VB.NET. <FTB:FreeTextBox runat=”server” ID=”ftb” /> Dim fontFaces() As String = {“Time New Roman”, “Georgia”, “Arial”, “Tahoma”, “Wingdings”} Dim fontFaceNames() As String = {“Time”, “Georgia”, “Arial”, “Tahoma”, “Wingdings”} ftb.FontFacesMenuList = fontFaces ftb.FontFacesMenuNames = fontFaceNames Note: The list of font […]